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Equity Release Plans – Part One

At Equity Release Brokers we have developed a wide network of providers that allow us to offer our clients as much choice as possible. Every person is unique, and with that there should never be one solution to fit all needs. That is why we have an extensive list of equity release plans, as you can see below (and coming in part two!).

Lifetime Mortgages

On these plans your mortgage will be repaid at the end of the plan (either upon your death or long-term care). There is no income assessment or maximum age (for those over the age of 55).

Lump Sum Plans

In these cases you will choose how to use the money, and it is tax free unless you use it for income.

Drawdown Plans

These plans allow for a pre-agreed cash reserve to be drawn on as and when you require it. Alternatively, there can also be a pre-agreed schedule to draw the cash.

Interest Only Plans

Allows for interest to be serviced, which provides control over borrowing – up to 100% of monthly payment.

Enhanced Plans

We have clients come to us with many different stories, and we can provide plans that cater for clients with ill health or other conditions. It allows for a higher level of money to be released than with standard plans.

Voluntary Repayment

Make repayments if and when you want to, allowing for lump sum repayments without penalties attached. This is an ideal plan should you have a large cash sum coming into your ownership in the future.

Income Plans

Use capital to invest or to provide a fixed income over a set period of time.

Inheritance Protection

Provides protection over a fixed percentage of the property, which allows it to be safely passed on after your death to family members.

For more information about our equity release plans please feel free to speak to a member of the Equity Release Brokers team on 01277 620083 or email

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